Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"America's Real Strength is Character": A Speech for President John McCain.

September 19, 2009 at 7:25 P.M. "Errors" were inserted in a number of essays. The usual bullshit from New Jersey suggests more arrests are coming. Good.

September 16, 2009 at 8:48 A.M. A UN report establishes that terrible atrocities in Gaza have made survivors of the Holocaust and their children as well as grandchildren responsible not only for war crimes, but (possibly) also for "crimes against humanity." According to Israeli soldiers who participated in the Gaza events, "insane force" was used against mostly unarmed civilians. My use of images from this conflict depicting these crimes may have resulted in the denial of images and cyberobstructions as well as continuing harassments against me. This censorship -- suppressions of speech and orchestrated American media silence that victimizes me -- takes place, before your eyes, in a nation lecturing to the world concerning the rule of law, protection of free speech, and dissidents' rights. The far Right-wing fascist branch of America's political conversation is irrationalist and totalitarian in its opposition to radical political speech. I will continue to write.

If Critique still exists at MSN, then see "News From the War on Terror" and "Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture," finally, "Neil M. Cohen, Esq. and Conduct Unbecoming to the Legislature in New Jersey" and "Stuart Rabner and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey."

Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?

September 15, 2009 at 2:25 P.M. The more things change, the more they stay the same. My t.v. signal was briefly interrupted by a "warning from the New Jersey emergency warning system." Considering that I live in New York, this seems strange. This occurred from approximately 11:10 A.M. to 11:20 A.M. Typically, such incidents are followed by curious troubles with elevators and plumbing. Coincidence? Telephone calls at short intervals from "marketers"? Whatever your feelings about me, are the rights of others of no concern to New Jersey "ethics" personnel?

Attacks against this essay will be constant. My corrections and criticisms of N.J.'s corrupt legal system will also be constant. Below is a draft of a speech for Mr. John McCain, as U.S. President, written before the election in November, 2008 when it seemed possible that Mr. McCain would be elected. Horrors. August 29, 2008 at 3:19 P.M.

September 3, 2008 at 1:47 P.M. after a wave of attacks against these essays and my security system, new "errors" have been inserted in these writings. I will do my best to make the necessary corrections.

First lady Cindy McCain, Mr. Chief Justice John Roberts, Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, President Bush and Mrs. Bush, Vice President Sarah Palin and Mr. Palin, Members of the House of Representatives and U.S. Senate, Honorable William Jefferson Clinton and Senator Hillary Rodham-Clinton, Distinguished Public Servants, Ladies and Gentlemen.

My fellow Americans,

I am proud and honored to begin today my service as President of the United States of America.

Defeatists must not be permitted to prevent victory in Iraq -- a victory that is, finally, within our grasp. This Administration will pursue the hard-won military advantage on the ground, pressing ahead to final victory. "Let us win!" This is what American soldiers in Iraq have said to me.

America does not shirk or run from difficult challenges or commitments. To do so -- to surrender now -- is to betray the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice for this great land of ours. Suicide bombers and terrorists cannot defeat America. Only Americans can bring about their own country's defeat by failing to stay the course in Iraq.

America will bring peace and democracy to Iraq with stable governmental institutions, a secure flow of energy to the world's economy that enriches the Iraqui people, while providing for that nation's future and our own, no matter how long it takes. The Middle East region is finally rid of the nefarious influence of Saddam Hussein. A new era has arrived providing prosperity and making genuine peace with Israel possible, as terrorism becomes less attractive (or likely) among disaffected young people.

Today's young Iraquis are gainfully employed or engaged in university studies. Iran's nuclear threat and expansionist ambitions will be checked by a strengthened, fully democratic Iraq. Only when these final tasks are completed, will our "mission be accomplished."

Israel's security must be ensured. Those promoting or cooperating with terrorism in the area will be on notice that America's vital security needs will be protected whatever price must be paid for doing so. Nuclear proliferation is a threat to the international community that must be contained. North Korea and any other country contemplating nuclear arms is forewarned that global stability and peace will not be threatened by any nation intent on developing nuclear weapons. The U.S., of course, will develop more nuclear weapons to meet our security needs.

America's "War on Terror" will benefit from new legislation allowing for increased monitoring of domestic activities that may serve as a shield for terrorist organizations, such as research in the sciences and humanities at our best universities. The sensitivities of civil libertarians must not be allowed to interfere with progress in surveillance efforts directed against Al Qaeda and similar criminal organizations, perhaps including (someday) the ACLU. Thomas Jefferson warned: "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." We must not fail to heed that warning at this dark hour in the nation's history. Accordingly, we will protect the privacy of the American people by monitoring all phone calls made or received by Americans.

Free trade and not protectionism is the only way to ensure American prosperity. I will send legislation to Congress promoting and protecting America's oil industry and other vital enterprises that guarantee America's prosperity. It may also be necessary to provide a billion dollar bailout for the financial industry once in a while. We will continue to insist on a more equittable trade relationship with China and Japan. We will build lasting and profitable partnerships with our Latin American neighbors allowing America's corporations to make use of Latin American resources -- for what we decide is a fair price -- benefitting all nations as a result of emerging scientific achievements. Tax cuts for our corporations and those who own them are always useful.

Vice President Palin's expertise with oil industry issues, particularly as concerns offshore drilling, will be especially useful in negotiations with our friends south of the border seeking assistance in cultivating newly discovered oil fields. We will be only too glad to help. When it comes to our "little brown friends" south of the Rio Grande, America will always "drill! drill! drill!" Care for a burrito?

America is always looking for new talent and partnerships with friends around the world to promote democracy, civil rights, autonomy. No nation, however large or small, that seeks independence as well as recognition will fail to receive America's assistance and friendship in preserving that priceless independence from all enemies of freedom, no matter who those enemies may be -- except for Cuba, of course.

We will not torture. We will respect all treaties and the United Nations Charter. America will not become a terror organization. To promote these objectives we will create a national computerized DNA bank for every citizen or resident of the United States that will enable law enforcement to monitor all persons in their daily lives, ensuring that Americans are not subjected to the influence of terrorist organizations disseminating their "messages of hate" on-line or in other media. We will protect your bodies and minds from the evil of terrorism. Government will do your thinking for you on all security issues. We will decide which books contain the right values; what films are healthy; and what music promotes progress and development in body and mind.

Educational criteria will be made uniform and standardized. We will improve education and make certain that "no child is left behind" as we move into a future that demands scientific expertise and familiarity with technology. To do this "enhancing of education," we will cut wasteful spending on schools and excessive teachers' salaries, following the example of New Jersey by devoting millions of dollars to building new schools, but nothing to rewarding the people who work in those schools. Our friends and contributors in the construction industry will also benefit from this buiding of new schools. Perhaps these construction industries will then show their appreciation to us, their friends in government.

We must get tough on crime. New resources and funds committed to monitoring and surveillance will be subject to periodic reassessments. Results will be expected from law enforcement in the form of increased arrests and longer determinate sentences for convicted offenders. We must build more prisons. California's "Three-Strikes-Your-Out" law should be adopted in the federal system. Repeat offenders can not be allowed to return to society to commit further crimes or to enter politics in New Jersey. The most important civil right of criminals is the right to be punished by society. Under a McCain Administration, they would get full recognition of that right in the prisons built by our contributors. Some day our prisons will contain all terrorists and liberals who are planning to deprive us of our freedoms.

Welfare cheats and so-called "poverty-pimps" will not be rewarded with government generosity. All healthy adults in America will be required to work -- if necessary doing public service or street cleaning in our cities -- in order to receive unemployment benefits. Abortion is murder. Administration resources will be devoted to promoting alternatives to abortion. I will instruct the Solicitor General of the United States, John Yoo, to seek the opportunity to argue before the U.S. Supreme Court for rejection of the dismally flawed decision in Roe v. Wade.

I will appoint judges who apply the law -- not judges who make the law -- to the U.S. Supreme Court. Aside from Mr. Yoo, Alberto Gonzales, former U.S. Attorney General and my "amigo," will be a top candidate for any future Supreme Court vacancy.

The "Special Relationship" with Britain will be nourished and protected. America and Britain will continue to "stand together in the War on Terror." To promote that special relationship, we will impose tariffs on British entertainment products that are doing so well in America's market. British films are made for less money and are excellent as well as successful in the United States, sometimes even more successful than American movies. This could threaten our nations' friendship, also displeasing Governor Schwarzenegger's friends and contributors in Hollywood. This cannot be allowed. My goal in seeking enactment of these tariffs aimed at British film producers is only to "level the playing field."

Racial equality and fairness is an achievement in America that must not be threatened by affirmative action programs that discriminate against rich whites. We no longer need to worry about racial discrimination in America nor programs to help poor people attend universities. Not everyone needs to go to college. Men and women are useful in our military services and in any number of other professions, such as construction, where the novels of Dickens will be a waste of time. Sentiment must not be allowed to interfere with vital policies to strengthen America. Many immigrant children should be "left behind" when it comes to education in the humanities or attending universities. This will allow such children to work in the kitchens of our restaurants.

As for women's rights, I have always believed that women are always right. No further government action is needed to promote the status of women already more than sufficiently promoted by contemplating Vice President Sarah Palin on this podium. Only in America is this scene possible. Republicans are the party of diversity. We include men like Mr. Yoo and Mr. Gonzales as well as a woman, Vice President Palin (who is a female liberationist even as she accepts traditional values), in our highest positions. I wish to extend a special greeting to the Vice President's spouse, Todd Palin -- who is wearing a lovely blue suit today and his usual sparkling smile, as he cares for the couple's delightful children. Sarah is lucky to have you, Todd!

I cannot express too strongly my gratitude to my lovely wife, Mrs. Cindy McCain, for accompanying me on this electoral journey that has required that she listen to many of my speeches more than once. After this experience, terrorism holds little fear for America's new First Lady. I see that Senator Clinton is nodding her head in agreement. I am grateful for her support, such as it is.

The cynicism and unpleasantness in political life has become intolerable. Both parties have developed attack machines designed to smear and destroy candidates as a way of winning elections. This cannot be permitted to continue. "Hate the sin, but love the sinner." (Jerry Falwell) I am not suggesting that Democrats and "Leftists" (like so-called "democratic socialists") are sinners. They are merely misguided. We will pray for them. If you can't say something nice about your opponent, say nothing at all. Eventually, we expect all Leftists and most Americans to be incarcerated in California.

I make no apology for speaking of prayer, as I stand before you ready to assume the burdens of this great office, for we are a nation under God. Atheists and nihilists will not alter this fact. I speak not of a "social gospel" that is only a disguise for liberalism, but of a God of justice and mercy before Whom we will all be judged -- especially liberals. President Abraham Lincoln on May 30, 1863, echoed these sentiments with his much-revered proclamation:

"Whereas the Senate of the United States, devoutly recognizing the supreme authority and just government of Almighty God in all the affairs of men and nations, has by a resolution requested the President to designate and set apart a day for national prayer and humiliation; And whereas it is the duty of nations as well as of men to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God, to confess their sins and trespasses in humble sorrow, yet with the assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon. ... "

... So we must now humbly bow our heads and ask for God's blessing as we proceed to discharge the duties of this high office, recalling the U.S. Supreme Court's conclusion in 1952:

"We are a religious people whose institutions presuppose a Supreme Being."

John Courtney Murray, S.J., "E Pluribus Unum: The American Consensus," in William F. Buckley, Jr., ed., American Conservative Thought in the Twentieth Century (New York: The Bobbs-Merill Co., 1970), pp. 38-39.