Monday, April 7, 2008

Guttenberg Mayor on His Way to the Slammer!

The true number of visitors to this blog or my books' sites is not known. I cannot post images here or at my profile because of obstacles of many kinds. "Errors" will be inserted in these essays numerous times, corrections will be made, then the "errors" will be reinserted. (See "What is it like to be tortured?") April 10, 2008 at 3:59 P.M. calls from 702-520-1195. A lot of telemarketers lately. April 10, 2008 at 4:31 P.M. 610-915-5214.

Jonathan Miller, "Corzine Aide Testifies Against a Former Friend," in The New York Times, April 5, 2008, at p. B2.

"NEWARK -- Javier Inclan, a deputy chief of staff to Gov. Jon S. Corzine, came to Federal District Court here on Friday to testify against former friend and ally, Mayor David Delle Donna of Guttenberg, N.J., who is charged with extorting money from a bar owner accused of trafficking in illegal immigrant girls."

Guttenberg, New Jersey has the distinction (or it did) of having the largest number of taverns per square mile of any town in America. Being in Hudson County, Guttenberg also has plenty of crooked politicians -- politicians who are not capable of friendship or loyalty to anyone. In fairness, I must say the Municipal Court was the best in Hudson County. The town was a three dollar bill by reputation, everything was for sale -- especially, elected officials -- and most appointed town officials were said to be crooked. The Guttenberg Municipal Prosecutor sure wasn't crooked. (See "We don't know from nothing.")

"But Mr. Inclan, who over the last decade rose from an obscure seat on the school board" -- like Senator Bob in Union City? -- "in a small Hudson County town to gain the ear of the state's chief executive, found himself instead on the defensive about his own role in the bribery scheme while serving as a treasurer of Mr. Delle Donna's campaign."

Bribes are usually delivered by "buffers," middle-men the mob can disown when the shit hits the courthouse steps.

"... 'I can tell you with 100 percent certainty that I never pocketed any cash,' Mr. Inclan, who has not been charged with a crime, testified angrily when confronted by Mr. Delle Donna's defense lawyer Ralph Lamparello."

Mr. Lamparello is a good defense lawyer using the old "some other dude done it" or "put it on the delivery man" defenses. What else is he going to do?

One of the best trial lawyers I knew in New Jersey, against whom I tried a criminal case and lost, is Libero Marotta. I learned a great deal in that matter and have the utmost respect for Mr. Marotta and his office partner Mr. Schulman. I would say the same of a gentleman who must be retired by now, Harold Okin. Mr. Okin was one of the toughest and smartest lawyers I came accross in the federal system during my years in practice. There are many other individuals who are honest and excellent lawyers, like Larry Levin in Jersey City and Sam De Luca. There are also some outstanding judges in New Jersey. However, the problems of corruption and mob influence have become pervasive and system-wide in New Jersey's legal system. These cancers may require outside assistance for removal.

"... Lamparello accused Mr. Inclan ... of pocketing an envelope containing $3,000 in cash from the bar owner, Luisa Medrano."

Reality check, people. What was the bribe for? To get cosmetic surgery for Mrs. Mayor and "cooperation" from town authorities in connection with certain requests from this Medrano person. It appears that: a) Mrs. Mayor got her cosmetic surgery (how much the surgery helped is unclear); and b) Medrano got the cooperation of the authorities in Guttenberg with her permits and certificates to proceed with her alleged nefarious activities. Medrano has entered a guilty plea to some reduced charges.

"Elementary, my dear Watson." My inference is that the money clearly got where it was supposed to get -- and it wouldn't be some up-and-coming Latino politician's pocket -- but into the account of the person calling the shots in New Jersey's favorite "midget municipality," Guttenberg.

There's a big apartment building in that town called "The Galaxy," with a great restaurant for brunch on the weekends: "The Green Kitchen." A couple of Arab guys, who had lived in Venezuela and spoke excellent Spanish, owned a Deli downstairs and we discussed politics sometimes. Boy, the stories I'd hear from those guys. Make your hair stand on end. Thanks for the free figs, guys. (Yes, I made sure to list "free figs" on my tax returns.) Telly Savalas was said to live in the Galaxy. Kojak, you remember him -- "Who loves ya, baby? ..."

Hudson County is a pimp's paradise, mob guys, drug dealers -- all bump into each other on their way to political offices so corrupt and inept that the chromium deposits and other deadly pollutants, a legacy of years of failures in the public agencies that should protect citizens, are killing people in droves. Ethics? You gotta be kidding me. (Hey, a new "error" appeared in this paragraph since yesterday!)

New Jersey's politics and legal system should make you even sicker than the poisons in the ground. Let's see all the attacks on my computer after I post this. Sunday, April 6, 2008 was marred by a number of computer attacks and defacements of essays. I will struggle to make corrections, while devoting more posts to New Jersey's politics and legal profession. Profiles of more judges, leading politicians, lawyers, business people and activities are coming up.