Saturday, March 29, 2008

"The captive void of noble rage."

Mission Statement of New Jersey's Judiciary:

"We are an independent branch of government constitutionally entrusted with the fair and just resolution of disputes in order to preserve the rule of law and to protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of the United States and this State." (emphasis added)

April 10, 2008 at 3:22 P.M. 561-482-7092.

March 29, 2008 at 11:46 A.M. My cable signal was blocked this morning. Accessing these sites has been very difficult. I will not post new essays under these conditions. I will continue to fight. More criticisms of New Jersey criminality in the the courts and government are coming up.

March 29, 2008 at 4:13 P.M. Several attempts to post this essay at blogger were frustrated by hackers and other obstacles, including illegal interference with my cable signal. I will continue to try to post it and to work on new essays exploring criminality in New Jersey's legal institutions. I will provide more names of crooked or incompetent judges and other officials. How many of them are being disbarred? Arrested?

March 26, 2008 at 2:49 P.M. more computer harassment earlier today.

I was working on some difficult fusion arguments, weaving together insights from theoretical physics with some readings in the philosophy of science and jurisprudence, when some typical computer harassment (no doubt caused by the usual suspects in New Jersey) made me lose the thread of my argument. I will come back to the text that I was working on. I will hold the shape of my discourse in my mind until I do. Maybe it's time to "keep it real" with the powers-that-be in Trenton.

I envy not in any moods
The captive void of noble rage,
The linnet born within the cage,
That never knew the summer woods:

I am walking down Broadway on Sunday -- minding my own business (as I usually do) -- when a woman walks directly before me sporting the most beautiful ass that I have seen for at least a year. I suspect she has some Cuban genetic endowment that explains this superior adaptation. The femi-Nazis are shrieking at this point -- "See, it's all about sex! He's just interested in sex with a woman that he thinks he loves!" I will be accused of "objectifying" women. This implies that the aforesaid woman's beautiful ass has now become a "reified abstraction," like a perfect ass just floating in Plato's heaven, not belonging to anyone. This is not true.

In the interest of thematic cogency, I have decided to call this delightful young lady "Emma Woodhouse." I have provided her -- besides her glorious ass -- with an illustrious ancestry, as it were, which I will not discuss as I am a gentleman. It is necessary, apparently, for me to explain to N.J. psychobabblers that human beings are sexual creatures. They are also much more than sexual creatures. Is Sigmund Freud still studied in psychology school? Maybe between sessions with rats? Clearly, not.

No one is going to make me feel guilty about a healthy, perfectly normal sexual reaction and attraction, i.e., an erection, generously provided to me by this kind soul, Ms. Woodhouse, or by any other attractive woman. I will not act on such feelings, of course, because it would be disloyal to the very few women who have been or are in my life in a meaningful way. Emma must be a Cuban-British person.

I envy not the beast that takes
His license in the field of time,
Unfettered by the sense of crime,
To whom a conscience never wakes;

This normal sexuality is entirely distinct from my passion and need for someone playing a vital role in my life's story and journey. A person whose life is entangled with mine over decades, whose importance in the transformations and meanings of my psyche's adventure is unique -- or matched by very few others -- is a little more than some "fantasy" or an illicit lust. One would have to be an imbecile not to see that. Incidentally, I am "for" lust. And so are you. Like Pascal, I see that we are angels as well as beasts. To remain closer to the angel side of this polarity, we need a few others who matter to us and for whom, we matter.

To be deprived of such a person's company is an irreparable injury, while being invaded in the inmost recesses of one's emotions and subconscious memories -- through unwanted questioning under hypnosis or drugging, for example -- is properly called torture. Such torture is usually accompanied by the laughter of torturers. (See "Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture" and "What is it like to be tortured?")

O.K., lets get some cards on the table. My life's journey is entangled with the narratives of only a tiny number of others, that is, in a fundamental way. In a general sense, of course, my life is connected to every other life on the planet. I want and need those few intimate others to be with me, if they want to be with me. I want to play a role in their lives, if they want or need me to play that role. My friendships, sexual desires, affections and loyalties (indeed, my spirituality) are not the business of the state -- and never will be. (One new "error" since this morning.) These personal concerns will not be affected by any sovereign's command. The heart cannot be made to want or to cease from desiring for as long I breathe the strengthening air of this jewelled island. "Staten island?" No, Manhattan.

I recognize the same right to freedom in personal relationships in all others, which is why I favor same-sex unions or gay marriage rights. My opinions and values -- most of all, my feelings -- are my business. None of this inner dialogue is the state's province or subject to unsought public inquiry.

I don't give a shit what you think of me in Trenton. I don't care about the opinions of lowlife scumbuckets, like Diana or Tuchin. Not even the opinions of those they serve and before whom they grovel concern me very much. That means you, Stuart. They shouldn't concern me at all. The opinions of others should have little bearing on such personal life-values for any of us. Your emotions are your own. Your life should be your own. Your loves must be your own.

Nor, what may count itself as blest,
The heart that never plighted troth,
But stagnates in the weeds of sloth;
Nor any want-begotten rest.

I don't want and won't accept N.J. psychobabblers' or crooked judges' advice on these matters. Deleting letters from my writings, threats, insults -- whether from the OAE, DRB, or any other Trenton acronym, or even the Garden State's political mafia in ass-covering mode -- will not change my view of this matter. I will not be intimidated by anyone. I cannot accept or take seriously the ethical judgments of people committing ethics infractions and crimes against the Constitution on a daily basis in the most corrupt and befouled jurisdiction in the nation. The very words "ethics" and "ought" on the lips of N.J.'s Supreme Court justices is now a source of laughter everywhere in the world, including New Jersey.

N.J. is America's overstuffed legal toilet, where the likes of Stuart Rabner and Jaynee LaVecchia float around, allowing the stench of corruption and feces of criminality to pile up. Things are getting much worse, not better by playing these games with my work. They will come back to haunt you. More hostility, deligitimation, undermining of credibility for New Jersey institutions visibly involved in this disgusting pattern of CRIMINAL censorship and desperate cover-ups, after the "Philosophy Cafe" episode, will only undermine what little credibility and respect for judicial decisions remains available in the Garden State.

Laws always depend on both credibility and respect. Without respect or legitimacy -- N.J. has probably lost both in its legal insitutions! -- no legal system can function effectively. These great crimes must be acknowledged by New Jersey. Some attempt should be made to remedy these wrongs. I won't keep any money. You can relax. This isn't about money, for me, but recognition of great wrongs suffered at the hands of people who should have known better than they did and who continue to multiply their many sins with transparent cover-ups.

You want to take out another letter from one of my sentences now? I want those reports and videos prepared by Tuchin and Riccioli, preferably before the forthcoming indictment of Senator Bob, or the next wave of mafia-related scandals engulfs the politics and tribunals of the fetid "Garden State." How are the pension funds, boys and girls? EnCap Golf? Christmas Tree items? Xanadu? What part of this do you not get?

I hold it true, what'er befall;
I feel it when I sorrow most,
'Tis better to have loved and lost,
Than never to have loved at all.