Monday, July 20, 2009

Tortured American on Video by Taliban.

September 16, 2009 at 9:43 A.M. More "errors" inserted and corrected by me.

July 21, 2009 at 9:18 A.M. New "errors" (and previously corrected ones) were inserted overnight and have now been corrected, again.

July 20, 2009, at 10:18 A.M. I am unable to access MSN groups. No images can be posted. The true number of visitors to this site cannot be determined. Perhaps 25,000 persons have read some or many of these posts. I cannot see my own books on-line. I do not know whether they continue to exist. One of my books has been suppressed. No response has been received from New Jersey to my requests for information. New federal investigations of mafia activity in the Garden State focusing on rampant (possibly judically protected) bank fraud in Hudson County have begun. Other investigations are likely to begin soon. (Essex, Bergen.) Child-porn and -prostitution is a protected industry in the Garden State. ("We don't know from nothing" and "Judges Protect Child Molesters in Bayonne, New Jersey.")

At any time, intrusions and hackers may prevent me from writing. I may always experience another "mishap." Any and all advertising at these blogs is against my will and without my consent. "Errors" will be inserted in the text on numerous occasions. I will do my best to make all necessary corrections. ("What is it like to be tortured?")

"Captive G.I. On Video By Taliban," in The New York Times, July 19, 2009, at p. A10.
Eric Schmidt, "Pentagon Seeks Prison Overhaul: Concern About Abuse," in The New York Times, July 20, 2009, at p. A1.
Timothy Williams, "U.S. Marine Killed in Western Iraq," in The New York Times, July 20, 2009, at p. A8.
Richard A. Oppel, "Bomb Kills Four G.I.'s, Swelling Afghan Toll," in The New York Times, July 21, 2009, at p. A4.
Richard A. Oppel, "16 Dead in Copter Crash at Afghan Base," in The New York Times, July 20, 2009, at p. A4.
Sam Dagher, "Attacks Kill 10 in Restive Iraqui Cities," in The New York Times, July 21, 2009, at p. A5.
"Names of the Dead," in The New York Times, July 20, 2009, at p. A8.
Christine Haughney, "Stores Go Dark Where Buyers Once Roamed," in The New York Times, July 21, 2009, at p. A1. (Ravaged economy kills commercial activity and unemployment is expected to skyrocket in the months ahead. Despite a decrease in the rate at which jobs are being lost, unemployment is on the rise resulting in 500,000 jobs lost from the economy in this quarter. 250,000 jobs lost in July; 200,000 in August, 2009; 283,000 in September.)
Norman Mailer, Of a Fire on the Moon (New York: Grove Press, 1969).
Gore Vidal, Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace: How We Got to be So Hated (New York: Nation, 2002).

Those of us nearing the mid-century mark in our lives have reason to pause and reflect. Some good fortune has come our way, also much pain as well as tragedy. Perhaps more of both -- success and failure -- has struck the nation that seemed forty years ago, as Astronauts lurched on the moon's surface and planted the American flag, to possess the future. The future no longer belongs to us, it seems, and we are in danger of losing our history. Gore Vidal points out:

"It is a law of physics (still on the books when last I looked) that in nature there is no action without reaction. The same appears to be true in human nature -- that is, history." (Vidal, p. ix.)

I predicted some time ago an increase in retaliatory tortures of American soldiers. Videos of these torture sessions -- probably making use of psychological techniques -- will be available on-line. Photos will be on the cover of magazines. There are two possibilities: 1) either terrorists will duplicate the horrors of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo; or 2) they will use apparently "no-touch techniques" aimed at suggesting a sense of disenchantment and betrayal among service people who will denounce America on video. America's torture techniques will be used against Americans. (Contrast "Roberto Unger's Revolutionary Legal Theory" with "Richard A. Posner on Voluntary Actions and Criminal Responsibility.")

Are you an "object" rather than a "person"? It is quite possible that American torture doctors and experts on tormenting fellow human beings -- torturers like Terry A. Tuchin, "M.D.," of Ridgewood, New Jersey -- will assist or participate in the devastation of Americans abroad for a small fee. Scott Shane, "2 U.S. Architects of Harsh Tactics in 9/11's Wake," in The New York Times, August 12, 2009, at p. A1. (Tuchin is among the worst of these monsters.)

November 19, 2009 at 3:14 P.M. "Error" inserted and corrected.

My intuition is that the opposition will use both methods, psychological and physical torture will be very popular. Based on my life-experiences with the evil power-structure in New Jersey -- including living the American "torture adventure" -- I expect an all-out attempt to induce despair in those service people. This will include feeding victims false information concerning loved-ones. Manipulating victims to believe, under hypnosis, that their loved-ones will be tortured if they do not cooperate with their captors is usually highly effective. Threatening to kill the victim is also quite delightful for torturers. Isolation, impoverishment, deprivations of various kinds should be expected. Use of frustrations and anxiety are also common. The suggestion in much of the global media will be that the U.S. government does not care and is incapable of doing much anyway to prevent such atrocities committed against American soldiers or other citizens. ("Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture.")

An effort has been underway since the inauguration of President Obama to depict Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as "beholden" to radical feminist forces in the country -- notably, feminista lesbian factions -- and fringe Leftist groups that are hostile to Obama for winning the election over a white woman. ("Barack Obama and 'The New Yorker'" and "Skinny People Dressed in Black.")

Others wish to depict President Obama as incompetent in crude and racist terms. The goal for the opposition -- including some Republicans -- is to divide Hillary and Obama, tearing apart the fragile coalition among Democrats. Some of the "divide and conquer strategy" is coming from New Jersey's mafia-saturated Democrats hoping for a distraction from their care free criminality. Divisions among Democrat loyalists could be fatal for both Mr. Obama and Ms. Clinton. The global perception is that powerful forces in America, notably intelligence agencies and law enforcement, are seeking to undermine Obama's efforts and control him, making Obama irrelevant to real power in the country.

Mr. Obama recently supported Governor Corzine, but the president declined to be photographed with the Democrat cappo di tutti cappi, Senator Bob, or even Richard ("Call Me Dick!") Codey, or "Shyster Ray" Lesniak. George E. Norcross, III and his evil assistants (especially, Speaker Roberts) are laying low, waiting for the firefight to subside before peeking over their foxholes.

The U.S. inability to deal with New Jersey's appalling political reality does not bode well for the administration's credibility on the world stage. "They can't control the mafia in Trenton," say the Ossama bin Laden forces. "What are they gonna do to us?" My response is: "Just you wait and see!" China, Cuba and other countries point to our own human rights disasters (like New Jersey and the torture scandal) when criticism is offered by the United States -- and they are right to do so. American media is coopted and complicit in these state crimes, through their deafening silence.

The censorship and criminal harassment to which I am subjected is a public spectacle and humiliation for America. Has spacing been affected in this essay? Any more letters to be deleted? Al Qaeda has metastisized and spread to northern Africa, parts of the Middle East, even Latin America. We need the cooperation of others to defeat this adversary. Right now, we are not getting it.

"The American soldier who disappeared June 30 in eastern Afghanistan, and was later confirmed to have been captured, appears on a video posted Saturday to a Web site by the Taliban, two United States defense officials said."

Isn't it great that the Taliban has a website? Probably they have an account with Time/Warner. Hey, how do you Taliban guys like HBO? Soccer on ESPN? Does Ossama bin Laden really like the "Cooking Channel"? How about competing in the Iron Chef program? Amazing. That's what they call "postmodernist absurdism." Insults aimed at me are further proof of desperation, you mongoloid idiots. The latter sentence is an example of ad hominem argument aimed at Trenton's judicial imbeciles. This may be a good time to insert another "error" in my writings.

"The soldier is shown in the 28 minute video with his head shaved and the start of a beard. He is sitting wearing a non-descript gray outfit. When one of his captors holds the soldier's dog tag up to the camera, the name and ID number are visible."

I predicted these developments over a period of several years. I will now add to my predictions: Hypnosis and psychological torture techniques are being mastered by the Taliban and Al Qaeda. These groups are receiving the secret assitance of intelligence services that are as good (or better) than we are at these hideous methods of thought- or behavior-control. Some of these intelligence agencies are probably affiliated with governments in countries that are ostensibly neutral or "friendly" to U.S. efforts. Pakistan? Syria? Others?

There is nothing worse than psychological torture and no one more despicable than a so-called "forensic psychiatrist" who engages in such sadistic and cruel torments of human beings, then lies and covers-up his or her Mengele-like behavior. For any Jewish person to be a part of such horror is truly disgusting and unforgivable. ("An Open Letter to My Torturers in New Jersey, Terry A. Tuchin and Diana Lisa Riccioli.")

September 16, 2009 at 9:34 A.M. Two words were deleted from a sentence since my previous review. I have now corrected this inserted "error." Ms. Milgram, time to depart the "lesbian love fest" and actually enforce the law against cybercrime in New Jersey. ("Organized Crime Group in New Jersey's State Police.")

Anything that keeps the U.S. busy and tied down in the quicksand of the Middle East or Far East is great, as far as these "neutral" countries are concerned. These same nations will not hesitate to negotiate with the U.S. for assistance and military equipment. Under the right circumstances, it may be in our interest to provide them with such assistance. Politics makes for very strange bedfellows. The radical femi-Nazis and Cubanoid-mafia partnership in New Jersey takes one's breath away.

Terrorists have read and improved on C.I.A. techniques, techniques still favored by ex-C.I.A. dinosaurs from Florida and New Jersey working with their mafia friends and paid-for politicians. Senator Bob? Albio? Senator Mel? The methods used against America's detainees will be duplicated against U.S. soldiers, I fear, and (this truly horrifies me!) also against American civilians who may be captured for this purpose at some point during the next five to ten years. This way "they can contribute to society." Speaking of five to ten years, I wonder how Mr. Garcia is doing? Mary Anne? I hope you two kids are having fun!

If this kidnapping of more citizens occurs, the responsibility must be placed at the doorstep of Mr. Rumsfeld and Mr. Cheney -- not the Obama administration -- which is struggling mightily to overcome a legacy of catastrophic errors as well as stupidity. The response to these allegations against New Jersey may be to alter the spacing of paragraphs in this essay or otherwise vandalize my writings, again. Three waves of attacks (so far) today is pretty typical.

I am deeply grateful that Hillary Clinton is Secretary of State, Vice President Biden is assisting with these efforts, and that Mr. Obama appreciates the perils that we face. These events contribute to the crisis of confidence that is crippling an American economy drained of energy by Mr. Obama's predecessor. We cannot continue to sacrifice one to two billion dollars per month in Iraq and Afghanistan. No stimulus will be enough under these circumstances. Whatever your political party, you better hope that Mr. Obama succeeds in reviving the economy. Any new "errors" inserted yet? How about some threats or insults?

These inhuman methods of torture will come home to us. Americans may become targets for capture and "control" by more "groups" in the world hoping to videotape or photograph their crimes in order to be seen as dominating the U.S. agenda on the front pages of news publications. Terrorist groups will try to bring the fight to us. One more "error" inserted since this morning. Perhaps they just "want attention and we should ignore them." They are all "parasites," right Anne? ("Debbie Poritz Likes the Ladies!")

People in the world see the "control" of America's once free press that is maintaining media silence concerning atrocities and the unconstitutionality that I describe every day, "approximately." They see the censorship to which many are subjected, also every day, and the stonewalling in response to requests for information from Trenton. This brutality is combined with the continued silencing of critics -- critics who are fired, disbarred, jailed in America, as happens in other countries and never before to this extent in this country. Noise fills my room, again, as I revise this essay. How curious? ("How censorship works in America.")

The America of the moon landing, of free protest, non-corporate media, struggle for human rights and civil liberties has almost vanished. It would be a devastating defeat of all our hopes for America's first African-American president if Mr. Obama were misperceived as soft on enslavement and torture. ("America's Holocaust" and "Driving While Black [DWB] in New Jersey.")

Mr. Obama, please release those photographs of torture at the earliest opportunity. Mr. Holder, please prosecute the lawyers responsible for torture, both in New Jersey and Washington, D.C., in order that America's commitment to the Constitution will be seen by the world to remain firm and real. ("Law and Ethics in the Soprano State" and "Does Senator Menendez Have Mafia Friends?")

Pfc. Bowen R. Begdahl of Idaho, states in an Internet video: "Please bring us home so that we can get back where we belong and not over here, wasting our time and our lives and our precious life that we could be using back in our own country."

"The Department of Defense has identified 4,318 American service members who have died since the start of the Iraq war and 734 who have died as part of the Afghan war and related operations."

Less than a month after I wrote the above paragraph, we have passed the 5,000 mark in American deaths in Iraq. This exceeds the number of fatalities on 9/11. The causalties are now growing by the day. New Jersey's depleted and stolen resources have been devoted to an illicit twenty-year effort to target me for destruction. $1 BILLION in tax increases are expected for 2009-2010 in New Jersey. ("New Jersey is the Home of the Living Dead.") A conservative estimate is that $400 MILLION of that N.J. tax increase will be stolen or otherwise wind up in Luchese and Gambino family coffers. Right, Jaynee LaVecchia? How's the "family," Jaynee? Is it time to assess national and state governmental policies? Should we just send more troops?

Censorship, suppressions of speech, along with other horrors have been a part of this effort taking place with legal and political protection from Trenton. ("What is it like to be tortured?" and "Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture.")

These are your tax dollars at work. The powers that be in Trenton decline to respond to humanitarian or legal appeals, or the requirements of federal law. This attitude is seen by the world. The fusion of technology and flawed understandings of human psychology have unleashed monsters we may no longer be able to control, while the men (Terry Tuchin) and women? (Diana Lisa Riccioli) responsible for loosening these horrors on all of us seek to escape liability, even as they have surrendered their moral sense and humanity by depriving victims of their dignity. Most victims will be minority group members and all kinds of women. ("Psychological Torture in the American Legal System.")

This spectacle of censorship, torture by government, public lying through silence and stonewalling has become symbolic of what America has become. Do you speak to me of ethics, Mr. Rabner? ("New Jersey's Political and Judicial Whores" and "New Jersey's Feces-Covered Supreme Court.")

A powerful dread inhabits the technology of human understanding: "Two of the most primitive and mysterious forces of nature, the force of fire and the transmissions of thought, had been harnessed in machines which sat within other machines ..." Today the machines are called -- Stuart Rabner, Esq., Deborah T. Poritz, Esq., Neil M. Cohen, Esq., Sybil R. Moses, Esq., and Anne Milgram, Esq. "If the mysteries of physics [psychology?] were still unplumbed, if men were able to perform these actions without knowing altogether why they worked, [then we can be sure that] no ordinary dread had been engaged, particularly if we consider that the management of fire and the management of thought are two of the most perilous activities for ... man." (Mailer, pp. 169-170.)