March 4, 2009 at 3:54 P.M. Notices indicate that MSN has "closed." Even at my own expense my second book will not be sent to on-line booksellers. The true number of visitors to all of my sites is not known. Perhaps 20,000?
November 28, 2008 at 12:13 P.M. I was just obstructed in efforts to reach my e-mail at hotmail, after a day of interference with my Internet service provider. More cyberattacks and cyberstalking must be expected, unfortunately. I will struggle to continue writing. I will do my best to correct "errors' inserted during the hours when my access to my sites is obstructed. Happy Holidays!
November 25, 2008 at 11:20 A.M. An essay focusing on North Bergen, New Jersey (based on objective sources) is coming up, together with an essay on "The Case of Kelly Anne Michaels." This is my response to the harassment, defacements, vandalism of several essays this past weekend. I was just denied access to my blogs and prevented from reading my e-mails at hotmail. I will try throughout the day to regain access to MSN. Essays will be defaced and altered, then corrected by me. I will continue to write.
November 23, 2008 at 4:17 P.M. A wave of attacks against my computer has resulted in damaging my security system, again, preventing me from applying updates, allowing for "errors" to be inserted in my writings. The goal is to maximize psychological harm through frustration, anxiety, stress. Ideally, this can be combined with limitations upon communicative opportunities, silencing, censorship aimed at inducing collapse in a person who has experienced much more severe forms of psychological torture.
I will continue to write, focusing on criminality and corruption in the history of North Bergen. I will also write a future essay examining the case of Kelly Ann Michaels. Regrettably, this means that we can expect additional sabotage and vandalizing of my writings during the days and weeks ahead. Profiles of judges and their sex lives in New Jersey are also coming up.
November 19, 2008 at 12:25 P.M. My security system cannot be updated, back up leaves me with a message that says Internet connections are not available. Interference with my cable service this morning left me with a blank t.v. screen. Phone calls from 800 numbers cannot be far behind, along with more vandalism of these writings. This morning at Critique, I blocked:
November 18, 2008 at 4:05 P.M. Another attack on my security system from the corridors of power in New Jersey leaves me unable to "update" my security system. I am running a full scan of my system, once again, for the third time today. I will continue to try during the next twenty-four hours to update my system and fight off these attacks, also to correct any "errors" inserted in essays during this period.
Perhaps these renewed attacks are associated with the departure of Mr. Christie from the U.S. Attorney's Office in New Jersey. Any Democrat appointed to that office may be unable to overcome the political pressures from Trenton's Democrat Machine to prosecute political corruption in the Garden State. I hope not. I will continue to struggle.
November 18, 2008 at 1:40 P.M. A new attack on my computer prevented me from accessing my hotmail and answering e-mail. Essays at Critique may have been vandalized. Phone calls received: November 17, 2008 at 11:18 A.M. from (305) 836-7371 (Florida?); November 18, 2008 at 10:36 A.M. from 866-435-5140; at 11:06 A.M. from 062-240-7528; at 12:36 P.M. from 866-435-5140.
November 17, 2008 at 10:10 A.M. I am prevented from reaching my MSN group. I am afraid that "errors" have been and will continue to be inserted in my writings. Additional hacking into my computer has taken place. I will struggle to reach my sites. I cannot access my hotmail account. Images cannot be posted at blogger. My book still will not be sent to on-line booksellers. (See "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "Law and Ethics in the Soprano State.")
To speak of the "purposes" of the first amendment's protections of speech, press, assembly, petition, and (by implication) association, is to risk begging the central question posed by the Constitution's most majestic guarantee: is the freedom of speech to be regarded only as a means to some further end -- like successful self-government, or social stability, or (somewhat less instrumentally) the discovery and dissemination of truth -- or is freedom of speech in part also an end in itself, an expression of the sort of society we wish to become and the sort of persons we wish to be? No adequate conception of so basic an element of our fundamental law, it will be argued here, can be developed in purely instrumental or purposive terms.
Laurence H. Tribe, American Constitutional Law (New York: Foundation Press, 1988), p. 785.
Is freedom of speech in the United States of America a lie? (See "Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture" and "What is it like to be tortured?")
November 15, 2008 at 2:25 P.M. I still experience many difficulties in efforts to reach hotmail. I was just prevented from accessing my MSN group. Any essays defaced today will be repaired as soon as I am able to regain access to my sites. I will continue to struggle.
November 14, 2008 at 9:45 A.M. I have been unable to reach my MSN group. I will continue to struggle against obstructions and hackers to reach Critique and my e-mail account. I will run scans throughout the day.
Bob Ingle & Sandy McClure, The Soprano State: New Jersey's Culture of Corruption (New York: St. Martin's, 2008), entirety.
David Barboza, "Former President of Taiwan Is Detained in a Corruption Inquiry," in The New York Times, November 12, 2008, at p. A5.
Greg Bean, "Cabinet Position for Corzine Would be a Huge Disaster," Tri-Town News, November 13, 2008,
"Bryant Corruption Trial in New Jersey," http;//
After posting this essay there will be a wave of attacks against my computer and further defacements of Internet writings, obstructions of access to my sites, vandalisms of my books or blogs. If there is no new post for two days or more, then you may be sure that this silence will not be voluntary. Several of my essays were vandalized and corrected, again, recently. As of 10:15 A.M. on November 13, 2008, I am unable to reach my MSN group -- which may or may not continue to exist after February, 2009. No images can be posted at this blog, where obstructions and defacements are also common. I will continue to struggle. Please note that it is a federal crime to violate or conspire to violate civil rights, including First Amendment rights, especially where any form of direct or indirect state action is involved.
Union City, New Jersey is a territory with a colorful history of mafia activity and a thriving Cuban-American community. It is a place where the Cuban branch of the mob has always had a home. Perhaps Union City is a more corrupt territory than anything to be found in Florida. Gambling was an accepted part of everyday life. Payoffs to local officials were discussed as the norm by citizens enjoying a pleasant repast at the Union City Cafeteria. Various corrupt activities and secret partnerships between local police officials and crooks were open secrets. As one old timer explained, "even the rulers are crooked in this town." West New York is just as bad or worse. North Bergen is to the Jersey Mafia what Palermo is to Italy's organized crime families.
Proximity to New York made Union City a tax free zone for the mafia. La Bolita (Cuban numbers racket) operated undisturbed for a 10% cut paid to city hall, allegedly; cocaine importers had to remember a former local police chief and all would be well, also allegedly; Municipal Court matters were "fixable," along with prostitution complaints. In the old days, Judge Joe Falbo would take care of things for the Mayor's people (Bob Menendez in the go-go eighties), allegedly, since good old Joe liked brown paper lunch bags with cash in them instead of lunch. Falbo would get his own lunch.
"You gotta stay away from those guys in Trenton!" Good old Joe would say, as he rose from his lunch, leaving the tab for his meal to take care of itself since the judge was a big believer that "the Lord will provide."
Agustin Sanchez, a later town judge explained: "I'm only looking for the pension benefits and medical insurance." Mr. Sanchez was highly accomodating to the local powers-that-be, even in the midst of trials, regardless of the evidence in cases and said: "Why make trouble?" I have my doubts about whether Sanchez had much or any trial experience before going on the bench. However, Sanchez (like the guys in North Bergen, which was and is as bad or worse than Union City) had plenty of experience in making political contributions.
How much did you pay for the judgeship? Was it really $15,000, like 'people' said, Agustin? You wuz overcharged. Dem guys ... Geez. Try a chicharron.
"The grandaddy of New Jersey bosses was Frank 'I am the Law' Hague, who ruled in Jersey City, [and "spotted" his man in Union City] across the harbor from Manhattan, from 1917 to 1947. He was known for doing whatever it took to get his way, and the joke was the governor had on his desk a direct line to Hague." (Ingle & McClure, p. 74.)
Greetings from Democrat Senator Robert "You've-got-a-friend-in-Bob" Menendez! These days Corzine's got a direct line to "Big Pappa" Menendez. Is Menendez really "overly sensitive to criticism"? Don't forget to invite the babe over to your swinging pad in Miami Beach, Bob. Have you seen Shaft? Is that place in your name, Bob?
"In 1946, Hague backed the late William V. Musto for the state assembly, where he 'served' for nineteen years, followed by seventeen years in the state senate. Among the people Musto mentored were DONALD SCARINSCI, a lawyer and a Democrat leader who served as his aide for more than three years, and U.S. Senator ROBERT ['BobbyM'] MENENDEZ, who broke with him after a federal grand jury indicted Musto for racketeering, extortion, and fraud. Menendez testified against Musto, who was convicted and sentenced to seven years in prison in 1982." (Ingle & McClure, p. 74.)
The way people told it is that Menendez was the opposite of a reformer. Menendez was a Musto man who wanted to avoid getting indicted himself (school board budget, Bob?) and saw an opportunity to screw over an old pal while rising to prominence. There was some question concerning whether Menendez helped set up Musto, then kept Musto's crew for his own take over of the "family business," allegedly. Certainly, things were just as crooked (if not more so) under Menendez and old cronie, the late Bruce Walter.
I liked Bruce Walter, who was slick but fair. "These guys take the money," a client complained, "then nothing happens. At least, Walter made things happen after he got your money."
If there were a sudden vacancy in West New York or Union City, why not Mrs. Cuningham for Congress? Or Donald M. Payne for the Senate? Hudson County could do much better than it is doing now.
I never knew Menendez well enough to form an opinion of his character one way or the other. Fine by me. Most people said Menendez was not a guy you could know or want to know, but that he was a bad "behind-the-back-enemy." (See "Senator Bob, the Babe, and the Big Bucks" and "Does Senator Menendez Have Mafia Friends?" also "More Problems for Menendez -- Tapes!" and "Law and Ethics in the Soprano State.")
Anything from the Grand Jury, Bobby? What, they don't teach you this in law school? Hey, where you been? ... Huh? Disneyworld? Harvard Law School? Same thing.
"... Deborah Howlett of the Star Ledger interviewed LIBERO MAROTTA, who said he had known Menendez since he was a high school senior: 'I've read some of (Menendez's) comments about being a reformer, and it turns my stomach ... he's always been a Bill Musto guy.' The New York Times quoted Menendez opponent Bob Haney as saying Menendez worked his way through the machine and then took it over. And Tom Moran, columnist for the Star Ledger wrote, 'Menendez is the boss of Hudson County which is ground zero for the state's corruption problems.' ..." (Ingle & McClure, pp. 74-75.)
Menendez, allegedly, established friendships with Cuban mafia figures in Florida and New Jersey, also with anti-Castro groups in both states that were made up of many of the same people. Such organizations also included ordinary citizens with a genuine concern about Cuban-American relations. The anti-Castro "crusade" was used as an issue by politicians who could exploit people's fantasies of a return to a pre-Castro paradise -- something which has nothing to do with one's limited enthusiasm for Fidel Castro -- in order to get people's money for campaigns, then forget Cuba and the U.S. for another four years, as decisions were made by the boys at "Helmer's" in Hoboken about spending all that loot on themselves.
What is the result? Union City and the entire state of New Jersey is a DISGUSTING example of inept and corrupt government, sold-out judiciary by goons and goof balls, where a former indicted Hudson County Executive -- who did time -- taped his cronies making nefarious deals, also explaining the nearly 200 officials, hangers-on, and others indicted or facing federal charges in New Jersey. Government services are a joke. Violations of civil rights, like beatings and murder at the county jail, are routine. No wonder these Constitutional violations take place publicly and nothing happens:
"The state has lost over a quarter of a million [250,000] jobs [4,000 to 8,000 jobs will be lost over the next 4 years] and is looking at a $4 BILLION revenue shortfall next year. [Debt is $36 BILLION.] It's had huge deficits and shortfalls each year that [Corzine] has been in office." (Bean, 11-13-08.)
Do you really want to send $4 BILLION to New Jersey? Mr. Biden, keep an eye on these guys.
Try the tostones, Bobby. Help yourself -- you're good at that. Courts and judge selection procedures have been contaminated by this appalling criminality. Judges are incompetent or stupid minor criminals who are too often controlled by bosses. Legal ethics is a weapon to use against outsiders to the club, usually in the hands of those without ethics of any kind, allegedly, including the likes of NEIL M. COHEN and DE COTIIS, SCARINSCI and many others, while a man like Mr. Marotta -- who is a lawyers' lawyer and whose ethics are beyond reproach -- is ignored by the system. Maybe they don't like Italians. The OAE is a retirement home for minor criminals and bag men of the county machines or lawyers who can't hack it in private practice.
Stuart Rabner's continuing apathy and lethargy -- some say cowardice -- is shocking and disgraceful. When do I get those reports and videos, Stuart? Obstruction of justice at the OAE? Is the OAE "ethical"? We'll pretend that nothing happened ain't gonna do it, Stu. ("Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture" and "What is it like to be tortured?" then "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System.") Badda-bing, badda-boom!
In the newspaper accounts of the arrest of the former President of Taiwan one can only note the contrast between Hong Kong, after the Chinese take-over as a thriving example of efficient and effective government in "China's Manhattan," as compared with this New Jersey-like spectacle in Taiwan. At least, Taiwan actually arrested this guy and is charging him. New Jersey's law enforcement mechanisms are weapons against opponents of this corruption and criminality that is used to protect -- yes, PROTECT -- targets of federal investigations. (See "George E. Norcross, III is the Boss of New Jersey's Corrupt Politics" and "George E. Norcross, III and Political Corruption in New Jersey.")
How many attacks against my computer today? I am, shockingly, unable to reach my MSN group today. This is not the kind of government desired or envied by today's young Cubans. This New Jersey so-called "court system" and politics offers the world only a cautionary tale of what we must avoid in America that others also must avoid in their own societies -- whether in Latin America or elsewhere.
As (there is no other word for it) a tortured dissident, I will continue to struggle against this nightmare. I urge you to do the same in your community. Perhaps I will be able to post essays later at Critique. I will try every day to do so.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
A Surprising Message From a Friend!
November 5, 2008 at 12:16 P.M. (computer clock) efforts to reach my hotmail account are unsuccessful, but I did get to Critique. I will keep trying to reach my e-mail. Any delays in responding are due to the usual harassments from New Jersey. Congratulations to President-elect Barack Obama!
November 4, 2008 at 4:29 P.M. Attempts to back-up files left me with a message indicating that "no Internet connection was available and files could not be backed up." This usually means that essays are being vandalized or other hacks in my computer are taking place. I will try, again, to back-up files, then I will try to discover which files have been damaged in order to repair the harm done.
November 4, 2008 at 11:09 A.M. After casting my vote, I struggled through the boggy marsh of cyberharassment to post revisions at Critique. New Jersey censorship and obstructions make writing very difficult. As a result, it is impossible to make progress on a short story that I am writing or anything else. However, I will continue to write. I hope. My friend's letter below was a little odd since I remember his early support for Barack Obama.
November 3, 2008 at 3:44 P.M. I have spent about a half hour trying to post the essay on Bernard Williams at Critique. This essay has been posted five or six times (so far), then "errors" are inserted in the text. I correct them. The same "errors" are then reinserted to maximize frustration and psychological harm. ("What is it like to be tortured?")
This process has continued indefinitely -- for years now -- with predictable effects and in connection with many writings. I was finally able to post the revisions at approximately 4:45 P.M. Calls received on November 3, 2008 at 3:55 P.M. from (201) 648-0406. I wonder who that could be? Senator McCain? Senator Obama? Senator Clinton? Probably just a "friend."
I will do my best to return to my MSN group -- which may or may not be closing in February, 2009 -- and I will re-post this Williams essay. Regrettably, the process may have to be repeated, added to the harassments of simply reaching the site. I will do my best to continue writing and posting essays on-line. I know that there are people who delight in cruelty, who enjoy hurting others, preferably from behind the back and only when victims are less powerful than themselves. I am more horrified to discover the many bystanders whose inaction makes cruelty possible. The item below seems to have caused great difficulties because of the attached link. I wonder how that could be true?
Subject: Hi Juan!Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2008 23:36:26 +0000
Hi Juan!
Even though it has been a while since we've met, I've been keeping up with your outstanding and always enjoyable essays at Critique on MSN groups. However, it looks like the MSN Groups service will close down in February 2009. Any idea where you will be moving to next?
I'm sorry that you've been having computer trouble. If it is any consolation, I can read your essays fine-- there is not a single one that's defaced, so the problem must be on your machine. I'm going through some computer issues myself-- my system registry is messed up, though I'm dragging my feet about wiping everything out and starting fresh. It would be fun to believe it is Daley, Obama, Farrakhan, Blagojevich, Tony Rezko, Jesse Jackson, and the rest Democrats here in Chicago just messing with me, but their bad behavior dramatically exceeds the nonsense in New Jersey-- they do what they do here *in the open* with impunity. Now we'll soon get a chance to see them in action at the federal level!
Anyway, what have I been up to? I finished my Bachelor's in Physics in 2006, and since then, I've been working in an office, doing meaningless paperwork. Right now I'm doing self-study to switch over to software design, but that's about 6-18mo off. I still keep up with philosophy, writing synopses at I have many serious essays I want to eventually write, along with a book (Analysis, Synthesis, and Synopsis) though all this will have to wait a year or two until I'm financially situated and more free time opens up.
Best regards,
Jason Bowden
When your life is on the go—take your life with you. Try Windows Mobile® today
I am sorry to learn that MSN Groups is closing. I have no idea where I can move my group. I don't know about "Multiply." Perhaps this will be an option. I have detected some illegal tracking software, letters from "Publish America," and other objective empirical evidence of ... "shenanigans" directed at my sites, which doesn't surprise me. Read the stuff about New Jersey. Say hello to my old friends from the "neighborhood." I seriously doubt that anything comes close to government by the five families of the mafia, which is what exists in New Jersey -- together with thievery on a grand scale.
I was glad to hear from you. I hope that you don't mind if I post your communication. I will look forward to visiting your sites and reading your work. At the moment, I am searching for a publishing option and for alternative on-line venues to put my pots and pans, trinkets and art objects on display. I will sell my wares shamelessly. Any place where I can post images would be nice, disseminating my writings is quite difficult with all the harassment these days. I keep struggling to write and put the work out there, somehow.
Best of luck,
When your life is on the go—take your life with you. Try Windows Mobile
November 4, 2008 at 4:29 P.M. Attempts to back-up files left me with a message indicating that "no Internet connection was available and files could not be backed up." This usually means that essays are being vandalized or other hacks in my computer are taking place. I will try, again, to back-up files, then I will try to discover which files have been damaged in order to repair the harm done.
November 4, 2008 at 11:09 A.M. After casting my vote, I struggled through the boggy marsh of cyberharassment to post revisions at Critique. New Jersey censorship and obstructions make writing very difficult. As a result, it is impossible to make progress on a short story that I am writing or anything else. However, I will continue to write. I hope. My friend's letter below was a little odd since I remember his early support for Barack Obama.
November 3, 2008 at 3:44 P.M. I have spent about a half hour trying to post the essay on Bernard Williams at Critique. This essay has been posted five or six times (so far), then "errors" are inserted in the text. I correct them. The same "errors" are then reinserted to maximize frustration and psychological harm. ("What is it like to be tortured?")
This process has continued indefinitely -- for years now -- with predictable effects and in connection with many writings. I was finally able to post the revisions at approximately 4:45 P.M. Calls received on November 3, 2008 at 3:55 P.M. from (201) 648-0406. I wonder who that could be? Senator McCain? Senator Obama? Senator Clinton? Probably just a "friend."
I will do my best to return to my MSN group -- which may or may not be closing in February, 2009 -- and I will re-post this Williams essay. Regrettably, the process may have to be repeated, added to the harassments of simply reaching the site. I will do my best to continue writing and posting essays on-line. I know that there are people who delight in cruelty, who enjoy hurting others, preferably from behind the back and only when victims are less powerful than themselves. I am more horrified to discover the many bystanders whose inaction makes cruelty possible. The item below seems to have caused great difficulties because of the attached link. I wonder how that could be true?
Subject: Hi Juan!Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2008 23:36:26 +0000
Hi Juan!
Even though it has been a while since we've met, I've been keeping up with your outstanding and always enjoyable essays at Critique on MSN groups. However, it looks like the MSN Groups service will close down in February 2009. Any idea where you will be moving to next?
I'm sorry that you've been having computer trouble. If it is any consolation, I can read your essays fine-- there is not a single one that's defaced, so the problem must be on your machine. I'm going through some computer issues myself-- my system registry is messed up, though I'm dragging my feet about wiping everything out and starting fresh. It would be fun to believe it is Daley, Obama, Farrakhan, Blagojevich, Tony Rezko, Jesse Jackson, and the rest Democrats here in Chicago just messing with me, but their bad behavior dramatically exceeds the nonsense in New Jersey-- they do what they do here *in the open* with impunity. Now we'll soon get a chance to see them in action at the federal level!
Anyway, what have I been up to? I finished my Bachelor's in Physics in 2006, and since then, I've been working in an office, doing meaningless paperwork. Right now I'm doing self-study to switch over to software design, but that's about 6-18mo off. I still keep up with philosophy, writing synopses at I have many serious essays I want to eventually write, along with a book (Analysis, Synthesis, and Synopsis) though all this will have to wait a year or two until I'm financially situated and more free time opens up.
Best regards,
Jason Bowden
When your life is on the go—take your life with you. Try Windows Mobile® today
I am sorry to learn that MSN Groups is closing. I have no idea where I can move my group. I don't know about "Multiply." Perhaps this will be an option. I have detected some illegal tracking software, letters from "Publish America," and other objective empirical evidence of ... "shenanigans" directed at my sites, which doesn't surprise me. Read the stuff about New Jersey. Say hello to my old friends from the "neighborhood." I seriously doubt that anything comes close to government by the five families of the mafia, which is what exists in New Jersey -- together with thievery on a grand scale.
I was glad to hear from you. I hope that you don't mind if I post your communication. I will look forward to visiting your sites and reading your work. At the moment, I am searching for a publishing option and for alternative on-line venues to put my pots and pans, trinkets and art objects on display. I will sell my wares shamelessly. Any place where I can post images would be nice, disseminating my writings is quite difficult with all the harassment these days. I keep struggling to write and put the work out there, somehow.
Best of luck,
When your life is on the go—take your life with you. Try Windows Mobile
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