Saturday, June 13, 2009

No Internet Access Yesterday!

Attacks against this essay must be expected. I am reviewing this essay from a public computer. Several attacks on my essays yesterday have required me to make corrections today. I will respond with new essays focusing on New Jersey's continuing criminality and the twisted sex lives of Superior Court judges.

This is one of many mornings when my Internet access is blocked or denied. I am experiencing what is left of the torture techniques. The idea is to strangle and shut off communication by a person whose tortures should have brought about a collapse already. Obviously, the people doing this have the political power to get away with it. They have done much worse over many years. I will search for a public computer to continue writing. I can only hope that I will be able to regain access to my sites -- both blogger and MSN groups -- at some future date. My book is still suppressed, all images are blocked, harassment is continuous. ("Behaviorism is Evil" and "Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture.")

As of my review of this essay, my home e-mail account is blocked, renewals of my security system may be impossible. I will struggle to continue writing. There is no logic or meaning to this evil. Nor does my experience have much to do with my views or faults. I figured that out a long time ago. It is simply evil. Sexual delight in causing pain to a tortured person. The ultimate victim is, of course, the Constitution of the United States of America. If New York Times v. Sullivan is still good law, then there is no justification for this "prior restraint" or denials of access to images and words, let alone justification for rape, theft, obstructions of justice, suppressions and censorship of speech. Talk of my ethics under these circumstances is absurd. For journalists to be a part of such horror is very worrisome. ("New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "Driving While Black [DWB] in New Jersey.")

If the goal of this torment and horror is to produce a monster -- like the man who entered a Synagogue to kill people -- then, rest assured, that you will be disappointed. I am "absolutely" committed to non-violence, also to protest, struggle, and genuinely free speech. I will find some way to continue writing at some computer, somewhere. My independence is not negotiable. ("What is it like to be plagiarized?")

Evil is both obsessed with destroying a victim even as it is fearful of losing the subject of so much fascination and instruction. You ("Jersey Boys") desire or envy learning and intelligence, but you also fear intelligence. And you should fear intelligence and courage, for these things will always oppose what you are. I am especially saddened by the many Hudson County "bystanders" to atrocity. The persons who go along because it is easier, more comfortable, or just to cover their asses. I hope that will you not escape punishment. ("Law and Ethics in the Soprano State" and "Does Senator Menendez Have Mafia Friends?")

My First Amendment rights are also your rights of access to free speech. Your rights have been taken from you when mine were stolen from me, again, this morning. I am sad and furious. I am also concerned for the America in which my child will live her life. Cuba cannot be worse than these atrocities created by persons with political protection in America -- persons speaking of freedom and democracy for others -- while creating islands of corruption and cruelty within the United States. New Jersey? What happened to America? Where is the Constitution's protection of expression? Lost on the N.J. Turnpike? Why are people afraid to speak out? No response from Trenton. Perhaps Garden State politicians are at the Xanadu mall or riding the new "superfast" train into Manhattan. $2 BILLION for what?

"What this war is being fought over is not various ways of managing society, but irreducible and irreconcilable ideas of happiness and their worlds. We know it, and so do the powers that be. The militant remnants that observe us -- always more numerous, always more identifiable -- are tearing out their hair trying to fit us into little compartments in their little heads. They hold out their arms to us the better to suffocate us, with their failures, their paralysis, their stupid problematics. From elections to 'transitions,' militants will never be anything other than that which distances us, each time a little farther, from the possibility of [communitarianism.] Luckily we will accomodate neither treason nor deception for much longer."

The Invisible Committee, The Coming Insurrection (Paris & New York: Semiotexte, 2009), p. 14. ("Crisis is a means of governing.")

We will never give up on socialism with civil liberties. Sharing my victimization is America's young President Barack Obama, who is a target for this effort at embarassment, as the foremost proponent of America's liberties. Mentally, I live at Abu Ghraib -- which is the psychological prison that America has become for millions or billions of persons who will be enslaved and tortured, raped and stolen from along with me, also censored and silenced. This will not make us safer. These tactics make the world a much MORE dangerous place. Do you speak to me of "ethics," Mr. Rabner? ("Manifesto for the Unfinished American Revolution.")

It is significant that Mr. Obama kept his distance from the Jersey Boys, including Senator Bob, during a recent pro forma visit to New Jersey to resurrect Corzine's faltering and pointless re-election campaign. New Jersey needs somebody like Chris Christie -- whatever party Christie is associated with -- if corruption is to be stopped. Ms. Milgram, time for the truth. New Jersey's "Open File" and "Sunshine" policy extends to all government records pertaining to a victim, especially if they were used by a state agency in taking illegal action against him, secretly. Does the OAE speak to me of "ethics"? Obstruction of justice, John?

" ... intelligence doesn't mean knowing how to adapt -- or if that is a kind of intelligence, it's the intelligence of slaves. Our inadaptability, our fatigue, are only problems from the standpoint of what aims to subjugate us. They indicate rather a starting point, for new complicities. They reveal a landscape more damaged, but infinitely more sharable than all the fantasy lands this society maintains for its purposes."

The Coming Insurrection, p. 34. ("Foucault, Rose, Davis and the Meanings of Prison.")