Monday, June 4, 2007

New Jersey Judges Indulge in Sexual Exploitation and Child Porn.

June 2, 2007 at 12:25 P.M. there were 11 intrusion attempts. My main attacker was New Jersey again.

If I find myself framed for something or having an unfortunate accident while in custody, I would hope that readers will examine "Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli and New Jersey's Agency of Torture" and "Is New Jersey Chief Justice Deborah T. Poritz unethical or only incompetent?" as well as "New Jersey's Feces-Covered Supreme Court."

I am experiencing difficulties regularly in posting essays at my MSN group, in my blogs, and obstacles make writing difficult today. I will keep struggling. Hackers may be expected to tamper with these texts or alter them. Ask "Justice" Virginia Long: Why? Payoffs? Political favors? How about it Virginia?

This essay has been featured at: (International attention is most welcome. Businesses must decide whether New Jersey offers a healthy climate for economic activity.)

John P. Martin, "Feds Charge 14 in Jersey for 'Nightmare' Child Porn," The Star Ledger, October 19, 2006;
Tina Kelley, "New Jersey: New Rules for Day Care Centers," The New York Times, October 19, 2006, at B8.

"Federal agents arrested more than 100 men across the country yesterday, including 14 in New Jersey" -- which seems to have been home base for much of this activity in the U.S. -- "[men] who they said subscribed to one of the most repulsive child pornography networks investigators have found, one that included photos and videos of adults sexually assaulting infants."

One theory is that much of this sexual behavior is extracted from minors who are subjected to hypnosis and/or drugging, with the assistance of persons trained in psychology and in the use of these techniques. What are you up to these days, Diana? How about Terry? Is everything hunky-dory with you two? Are your victims keeping you busy? Still working secretly for the OAE, Terry? How's the "family-like organization," Diana? Everything peachy-keen? (See "New Jersey Judges Protect Child Molesters in Bayonne, N.J.")

None of this child porn can exist in New Jersey -- where nearly everybody is on the take or under the control of political-criminal organizations -- without a lot of people being paid off. This probably includes judges and justices. Several of those arrested held positions of public trust and authority.

"A retired [New Jersey] Superior Court judge accused of traveling abroad to have sex with a minor was released on bail yesterday from a federal detention center and placed under house arrest. The retired New Jersey Superior Court judge Steven W. Thompson, 57, is charged with traveling to Russia to have sex with a boy between the ages of 13 and 16, prosecutors said. He is charged with two felonies, which carry a total of 25 years in prison. Mr. Thompson was released yesterday on $2 million bail and placed under 24-hour house arrest at his home in Avalon under the supervision of his mother, Mildred Thompson. A federal magistrate banned Mr. Thompson from having contact with children, except for supervised visits with his nieces, and from using a computer, which could be used to obtain pornography."

Tyrone Richardson, "Metro Briefing -- New Jersey: Camden Ex-Judge Is Under House Arrest," The New York Times, April 27, 2003 and

I wonder if any of these child molesters work for the OAE or law courts? I wouldn't be surprised if they do. Ethics? How about another threatening letter from the DRB? Were you behind that letter, John? Several profiles of judges engaging in despicable conduct are coming up in the months and years ahead. ("New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics.")

"The case referred by the Newark division of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, marked the second national child pornography investigation to spring from New Jersey in the past four years. The previous case led to the arrests of more than 1,000 subscribers worldwide and convictions against two Belarussians who managed the network."

"How the hell are ya?" Politicians in Trenton respond.

" ... 'As this investigation amply illustrates, there is no safe haven for child predators,' according to Kyle Hutchins, special agent in charge of Newark's ICE office."

The New Jersey suspects included three men with ties to state government and local political machines (without such ties they would not be "in" New Jersey government or the state's notoriously corrupt judiciary):

"Each of these New Jersey men was charged this summer, immediately after they were identified as subscribers, so [federal] prosecutors could remove them from their positions of authority."

New Jersey law enforcement, including New Jersey's "invisible" new Attorney General, Stuart Rabner, "missed" this little operation -- and could not arrest ANY of the state's participants in this loathsome activity -- and the A.G. also could not name or go after ANY ONE (NOT ONE) of the corrupt officials who allowed this operation to exist. Although the feds are arresting far more criminals and corrupt local officials than New Jersey's Attorney General, the feds have less than half the personnel that the Trenton authorities employ. I wonder why that is? Corruption? ("Stuart Rabner and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey.")

Mr. Rabner is likely to become New Jersey's next Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. He did. Ain't you feeling better already? I know I am.

In the same day's New York Times, it is reported that "in the future" child day care centers applying for licenses in New Jersey will have to show that their buildings were not previously used as dump sites or pose any health hazzard. This means that they will not be able to use New Jersey buildings at all for such purposes, since most properties in New Jersey are built over venomous pollution and chemical waste -- in the same way that the state's government and courts are built on moral corruption and filth, hypocrisy, mendacity, avarice and crime. If you own a house in Ridgewood, New Jersey -- I hope you like chromium and radium.

These are the persons in New Jersey's government judging the ethics of others. Why? They have no ethical awareness themselves, so why are they the "moral superiors" of others? They're not, you say. That's exactly my point. They violate rules of ethics themselves, the same rules which they claim to enforce. They do much worse than that, I am afraid, to the indifference of New Jersey law enforcement. "We can learn from you." I bet you can.

New Jersey judges (with all exceptions granted) are arrogant, often stupid, more often incapable of complex or profound thought. Yet they are certain of their intellectual and moral superiority as compared with the likes of you and me. They cover up "crimes against humanity" -- like the psychological and physical tortures that I have described and experienced -- so as to hide their own flaws and failures, while speaking to others of ethics. (See "New Jersey's 'Crimes Against Humanity'" and "New Jersey's 'Ethical' legal System.")

Oh, boy! New "errors" inserted and corrected since my previous review of this work. ("Sybil R. Moses Joins the Lesbian Love-Fest!" and "Debbie Poritz Likes the Ladies!")

This modification of the law will distract the public from asking why no one has gone after building owners who allowed their properties to be used as child care centers KNOWING that they were contaminated by mercury because they had previously been used as thermometer factories. I wonder if any of them are lawyers? If they are, would the OAE be interested? Somehow, I doubt it.

David Kocieniewski, "Newark: Hospital's Use of Helicopter is Questioned," The New York Times, January 16, 2007, at p. B7:

"New Jersey's state medical school may have improperly billed Medicaid for helicopter 'ambulance flights' [more like jaunts to Atlantic City on the taxpayer's tab, probably to attend 'sex shows,'] according to a report released yesterday by a federal monitor. A former federal judge, Herbert J. Stern, who was appointed a year ago to investigate financial irregularities at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, noted in the report that the school had made many policy and personnel changes to address widespread problems with overbilling, nepotism and wasteful spending. [New Jersey's U.S. Attorney] Christopher Christie said that more arrests are likely."

Legality? No, just "business as usual" in the Garden State. Geez, Louise ... Louisa, good luck with the "L-word." Hey, did you and Judge Tolentino "get along" while you were her law clerk?

John Holl, "Camden: Computer Pornography Charge," The New York Times, February 12, 2007, at p. B6.

"A man who taught seminars about whales to elementary school students was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography, the state police said. The man STUART GOLDMAN, 63, was arrested on Friday after the state police found pornographic images on his computer, said Sgt. Stephen Jones, a spokesman. The computer was seized last March when the state police charged Mr. Goldman with having marijuana plants in his house in Barrington, Sergeant Jones said. Mr. Goldman has pleaded guilty to the drug charges, the state police said."

There are also several continuing investigations resulting from arrests last year of members of an international child porn ring based in New Jersey. Information extracted from computers by law enforcement is rumored to have included "persons in public life." Assuming this material was not planted in those computers by Jersey cops, one can only welcome this surprising diligence in New Jersey.

There is a widespread concern that efforts by the Trenton Syndicate are underway to "nip" any further inquiry "in the bud." Alleged connections between "influential" underworld figures and local political machines are more worrisome, together with continuing, highly disturbing allegations that law enforcement and judicial persons in New Jersey received "sexual favors" as payoffs.

Many believe that these investigations are related. Multiple sources of information have, allegedly, become available to law enforcement agencies, from several jurisdictions, concerned about leaks or possible political cover-ups. There will probably be more arrests by federal authorities in the weeks and months ahead. Further anouncements are "anticipated." We better hope the feds get involved or the whole thing will just "go away." Any assistance you can provide to federal authorities concerning political corruption and crime among powerful people in New Jersey will be greatly appreciated. Please insert more "errors" soon.

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